Art and nature are holistic and thus have the power to accompany us back to our origins in order to be able to shape life consciously, peacefully and whole in a unity despite diversity. (Angela Olbrich)
date. 2022/2023/2024
city. Reikersdorf
type. Reseda and Madder, from leaves and roots to yellow or red
pigments, project of the self- sufficient garden for artists
To know exactly what we're making art with, we should make it ourselves...this idea grew into the "SELF-SUFFICIENT GARDEN FOR ARTISTS", which developed pigments from plants, natural binders and finally the canvas in the process from seed to spun and woven textile. With special thanks to Christiane, Karin and Tristan

starting the process of pigment making...chopped up dried Reseda..approx. 1 hour cooking...adding Alaun...another 30 min cooking...wash our with sepiolith...precipitate with soda..filter, wait....

starting the process of pigment making...chopped up dried Reseda..approx. 1 hour cooking...adding Alaun...another 30 min cooking...wash our with sepiolith...precipitate with soda..filter, wait....

Preparing the ground with cartonage in February

starting the process of pigment making...chopped up dried Reseda..approx. 1 hour cooking...adding Alaun...another 30 min cooking...wash our with sepiolith...precipitate with soda..filter, wait....